Posters - panel size & printing

All poster presentations must fit onto vertical poster panels. One panel easily accommodates the standard A0 format (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm):

  • Usable area (maximum size of printed poster - width x height): 97 cm x 180 cm (38.19 in x 70.87 in)
  • Background of poster panel: carpet
  • Attachment: pushpins (will be provided)

All posters should be displayed in the morning of the day in which they are scheduled. They should be removed in the evening of the same day shortly before or after the poster award ceremony.

All posters automatically enter the Best Award Poster competition. There will two such competitions, on Tuesday and on Wednesday, each followed by a separate poster award ceremony. IOP will award monetary prizes to the best poster winner and two runners-up.

Custom printing in Prague

If you travel internationally, you may consider having your poster printed in Prague. For this purpose, we have made arrangements with the company AK-REPRO. If you are interested in this option, please:

  • Order the printing of your poster (choose 200 g paper) according to the instructions here.
  • The price for this service is 375 CZK (about 15 EUR) paid directly to AK-REPRO.
  • You will pick up the printed poster in AK-REPRO at Palackého 726/12, 110 00 Praha 1 (tel. +420 224 216 009) and pay by cash or credit/debit card. The opening hours are Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. You will get a free public transportation ticket as part of your registration. The closest subway stop is Národní třída on Subway line B (yellow).