Technical program

The conference will begin with the welcome reception on Sunday (September 22). The technical program will span Monday-Thursday (September 23-26) and will include both oral and poster presentations. The technical program will be entirely on-site, we have not made any arrangements for hybrid meetings. Friday (September 27) is reserved for personal meetings, scientific discussions and guided tours in and outside of Prague. Some guided tours outside of Prague are also offered on Saturday (September 28).

The first poster session will take place on Tuesday (September 24) and the second on Wednesday (September 25). Each poster session will be followed by a poster award ceremony.

The social program and the list of cultural events are posted on the web.

The final version of the technical program as it will appear in the conference booklet can be downloaded by clicking on the button below. The cells with 
green backgrounds
are keynote lectures and those with white backgrounds contributed talks. All further changes will be attached as errata and announced on a poster board close to the registration desk.

Final version: September 10, 2024