Special issue of the journal Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering

Focus on Recent Advances in Multiscale Materials Modelling (MMM11)

Guest Editors

     Roman Gröger, Jan Fikar
     Institute of Physics of Materials, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic


Multiscale materials modeling (MMM) is an established branch of computational mechanics and computational materials science, in which existing and emerging methods from interdisciplinary fields are combined to bridge phenomena, inherent to complex material systems, across different length and time scales. MMM provides direct insights on how materials and living matter deform and/or adapt their form and function in response to different mechanical, electrical, magnetic, or environmental exciters, and trace this to material structure and molecular (or cellular) level mechanisms. This special issue that runs in conjunction with The 11th International Conference on Multiscale Materials Modeling will encompass (but is not limited to) the following topics:

  • Mathematical and Computational Foundation of Multiscale Methods
  • Multiscale and Multiphysics Mechanics and Materials
  • Micro and Nano-structural Evolution
  • Material Classes: Biological, Soft Materials, Structural (Crystalline and Amorphous), Nuclear, Multi-functional, Interfaces, etc.
  • Additive Manufacturing and Emerging Manufacturing Methods
  • Probabilistic Methods and Uncertainty Quantification in MMM modeling
  • Materials Informatics (machine learning, data mining and artificial intelligence)
  • Synergistic Coupling of Experiments with MMM modeling
  • Materials by Design

Submission Process

The MSMSE webpage dedicated to the MMM11 focus issue can be found here. All focus issue articles are invited and should be submitted using our online submission page. Where the form asks for 'Article Type' please select 'Special Issue Article'. Then select 'Focus on Recent Advances in Multiscale Materials Modelling (MMM11)' in the 'Special Issue' drop down box that appears.

Special issue articles are subject to the same review process and high standard as regular Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering (MSMSE) articles and should be submitted in the same way. Please read the comprehensive information on preparing your article files for submission and on the options for submitting your article in our 'Guidelines for authors' available via Publishing Support.


This focus issue is OPEN for submissions. We encourage early submissions where possible, as articles will be published on acceptance, without being delayed by articles in this collection. The deadline for submissions to the issue is February 28, 2025, although we may be able to extend this by a small amount where required.